It can be called another story. That drew a lot of criticism. After one girl A picture of durian was posted in the group. We are consumers. The durian is so soft that it cannot be eaten. along with stating that 2 days before I went to travel to Chanthaburi province. I bought 2 durians from the temple and the seller said they still couldn’t eat them. Another day or two until you can eat it. I couldn’t eat it when I opened it. If I bought it, it wasn’t cheap at all. I’m so sorry. Traveling far and Selling things in the temple should bring good things that tourists will like. If you sell things like this, who will want to buy products from vendors who sell things at temples? It’s expensive to sell and you’ll still be selling low-quality products.
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After the message was posted There are social media people. Come in and express your opinion. For example, if someone steals a garden and sells it like this. From the garden, they really don’t do things like this. There are a lot of durians in the garden and there are many different types. They definitely won’t give you a bad name, they’re soft and not evenly matched at all. The seller knows for sure. There is no way of not knowing. Gentle without being excited